Adopt! - Can't adopt?
Foster! - Cant'foster?
Volunteer! - Can't volunteer?
How you can contribute.
To carry out our missions, your support is essential!
You can contribute in several ways.
All help is welcome!
Thank You!
We are in constant need of volunteers.
Usual volunteers tasks are: run a first check of foster family, drive animal from/to airport, foster family, vet, contribute to special events,...
Foster family: we are constantly looking for foster families who can take care of our animals while we are searching for a permanent home. Pet connect covers the veterinary costs and is responsible for providing you with all the equipment you will need to take good care of your protégés. PetConnect asbl managers are obviously at your disposal to help you in this.
Become Member
Like any non-profit organization, we cannot function without your help. PetConnect lives on the donations she receives.
You can choose to help us punctually or more regularly, by becoming a member. PetConnect offers several possible affiliations:
- Adhering member by paying 25 € per year
- Solidarity member paying 50 € per year
- Core member by paying € 75 per year
- Benefactor member by paying 150 € per year
- Honorary member by paying € 350 per year
Adopting a dog or a cat is a big responsibility. Often, our animals had a difficult painful experience with humans. It may take some time before she/he will trust you. The reward is however huge, unconditional love!
If you adopt an animal via PetConnect, you will sign an adoption agreement, where we will ask you for several commitments:
You will, of course, treat animal with gentleness and respect throughout its life.
You will also commit to:
- Have your animal vaccinated every year at the veterinarian of your choice;
- Have it sterilized if it has not been done at the shelter;
- Do not give it away or sell it;
- Accept the visit of one of our inspectors;
The animal must be able to live in the home, in the house, and not put it in a kennel.
PetConnect is not subsidied, it lives solely on the donations she receives.
You can contribute by transferring donation to our bank account.
Our bank account number: BE52 9733 8066 4309
Know that any donation, even small, matters to us.

You can sponsor a concrete animal of you choice by donating 25 EURO per month. You will receive regular updates and pictures of your protege.